Laura Bland
11 November, 2024

Remember someone you love at St Catherine’s Hospice Tree of Light

St Catherine’s Hospice will be holding its much-loved Tree of Light services on Sunday 8 December, giving people in the local community the chance to join together, honour someone special and hang a star of remembrance for a loved one.

A Tree of Light adorned with lights and stars in memory of loved ones.

Three services, at 11am, 2pm and 5pm, will be held outside St Catherine’s Hospice, between the reception and Woodgate Café Hub. The services, which are open to all and to people of all faiths and none, will go ahead in all weathers and include readings, music and stories of reflections. 

At the heart of the non-religious services is a Tree of Light, adorned with hundreds of lights. People will also have the opportunity to hang a star in memory of someone they love and to write a message in the book of remembrance.